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Fun Reading and Writing Resources

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English, Language Arts, Literature, Reading




English, Language Arts, Literature, Reading
Birds Word Search

Birds Word Search

Birds Word Search Puzzle. Fun word search puzzle all about birds. Black and white ink friendly worsdearch puzzle that your students will love. Inludes 59 different kinds of birds. Includes solution. Thanks and enjoy! Birds | Birds Activities | Types of Birds | Birds Printables | Birds Worksheets | Birds Word Search
Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. Two fun sheets to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Each has an informational text passage about MLK for students to read. Great for Martin Luther King Day, Black History Month, or to go with any unit on the Civil Rights Movement. After they read the text, students need to unscramble the words in the word scramble puzzle. The trick - The words can all be found in the passage. Includes two sheets that tell the story of Dr. King, and answer keys. Enjoy! - Greg Smith
Valentines Write the Room

Valentines Write the Room

Valentines Write the Room. Cards and Recording sheet. 8 words to write for Valentines Day: heart love valentine candy cupid rose letter kiss Two recording sheets - one with pictures and one without for differentiation. Recording sheet has primary lined paper (with dashed middle lines). Includes color and black and white versions. - Greg Smith
St. Patrick's Day Write the Room

St. Patrick's Day Write the Room

St. Patrick's Day Write the Room. Cards and Recording sheet. 8 words to write for St. Patrick's Day: gold lucky green Irish rainbow shamrock saint Patrick Two recording sheets - one with pictures and one without for differentiation. Recording sheet has primary lined paper (with dashed middle lines). Includes color and black and white versions. - Greg Smith
What is a Portmanteau? Activity

What is a Portmanteau? Activity

What is a Portmanteau? Activity. Background information on portmanteau, definition, portmanteau in literature, functions of portmanteau. Students determine the portmanteaus from the given words...interactive and self checking. May be shown as a slideshow or printed out and used as task cards for a center. Also includes activity on making a personal portmanteau with a template for a poster. Great beginning of the year activity! - Greg Smith
Easter Write the Room

Easter Write the Room

Easter Write the Room. Cards and Recording sheet. 8 words to write for Easter: eggs bunny grass basket candy flowers Easter decorate Two recording sheets - one with pictures and one without for differentiation. Recording sheet has primary lined paper (with dashed middle lines). Includes color and black and white versions. - Greg Smith
Leap Year PowerPoint

Leap Year PowerPoint

Leap Year PowerPoint. Find out what leap year is and how leap year is figured. Includes a link to a short video explaining the scientific reasoning behind leap year, and 29 fun activities to do on Leap Day! Enjoy! - Greg Smith
Earth Day Write the Room

Earth Day Write the Room

Earth Day Write the Room. Cards and Recording sheet. 8 words to write for Earth Day: April Earth clean litter reduce reuse recycle pollution Two recording sheets - one with pictures and one without for differentiation. Recording sheet has primary lined paper (with dashed middle lines). Includes color and black and white versions. - Greg Smith
Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman Word Search Puzzle. Fun word search puzzle all about Harriet Tubman. Black and white ink friendly word search puzzle that your students will love. Includes 28 different words related to Harriet Tubman. Includes solution. Thanks and enjoy! Harriet Tubman | Women's History Month | Black History Month | Printables | Worksheets | Word Search | Puzzle
Remembrance Day Acrostic Poems

Remembrance Day Acrostic Poems

Have your students get creative with these Remembrance Day acrostic poem sheets. Two different sheets for students to write poetry with imagery and words that appeal to the senses. Students write a poem about Remembrance Day by beginning each line with a word that begins with the letter on that line. The first sheet is REMEMBRANCE and the second sheet is POPPIES. - Greg Smith
Fire Station Word Search

Fire Station Word Search

Fire Station Word Search Puzzle. Great for Fire Safety week. Fun word search puzzle all about things you find in a fire station. Color and Black and white ink friendly word search puzzle that your students will love. Includes 32 different words related to Fire Stations. Includes solution. Thanks and enjoy! Terms included are: Alarm Boots Bunker Chief Dalmatian Dispatch Dorms Engine Equipment Extinguisher Firefighter Flashlights Foam Garage Gear Gloves Helmet Hook Hose Jacket Ladder Mask Nozzle Pager Pole Radio Rope Siren Tools Truck Turntable Valves Fire Safety Week| Fire Stations | Fire Fighters | Printables | Worksheets | Word Search | Puzzle
Scarecrow Word Search

Scarecrow Word Search

Scarecrow Word Search Puzzle. Great for any scarecrow or fall harvest unit. Fun word search puzzle all about scarecrows. Your students will love finding the words frontwards, backwards, and on the diagonals. Includes 24 different words related to scarecrows. Includes solution. Thanks and enjoy! Terms included are: Bandanna Birds Brainless Burlap Cornfield Costume Country Crops Decoration Decoy Frighten Garden Gloves Guard Halloween Mannequin Overalls Post Protect Seedcap Sentry Straw Stuffing Workboots Key words Scarecrow | Halloween | Printables | Worksheets | Word Search | Puzzle
Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher

Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher

Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher. Enjoy this classic game to build a sense of gratitude and thankfulness. Great activity for the last day before Thanksgiving break, or use it on Thanksgiving Day at home with the kids and family. Now includes two different cootie catchers! Activities are fun for all - such as "Describe your favorite Thanksgiving memory." or "If you could invite anyone to Thanksgiving dinner, who would it be?" Great conversation starters to use when everyone is gathered waiting for the Thanksgiving feast. Happy Thanksgiving! - Greg Smith
Veterans Day PowerPoint

Veterans Day PowerPoint

Veterans Day. Veterans Day PowerPoint on how and why we celebrate. Includes information on the origins of Veterans Day history and Remembrance Day and Armistice Day, the observance of Veterans Day, the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the US, France and England, the meaning of the Poppy, In Flanders Fields, How to Honor Veterans, and How to Fold a Flag. Embedded music. 17 slides. - Greg Smith Veterans Day | Veterans Day Activities | Veterans Day Activity | Veterans Day PowerPoint | Veterans Holiday | Veterans Day Lesson Key words: Veterans, Veterans Day, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day
Memorial Day Free Jumble

Memorial Day Free Jumble

Looking for fun Memorial Day activities? Have your students try this free Memorial Day Jumble Word Puzzle. It will help them develop spelling and vocabulary skills, and they won't even realize they are learning. Enjoy! - Greg Smith
Memorial Day Word Search

Memorial Day Word Search

Looking for fun Memorial Day activities? Have your students try this Memorial Day Word Search Puzzle. It will help them develop spelling and vocabulary skills, and they won't even realize they are learning. Enjoy! - Greg Smith
Daily Lesson Planner EDITABLE

Daily Lesson Planner EDITABLE

Daily Lesson Planner - EDITABLE. All set up, just type in what you want. Drop down menu for the date. Includes boxes for objectives or standards, information and essential questions, activating strategies or assessments, activity, and summary. Nice professional looking format. - Greg Smith
Honor Roll Award Cerificate

Honor Roll Award Cerificate

Honor Roll Award Certificate. Simply type in the information in this Publisher award certificate, print and go. Great for the end of the year. - Greg Smith
Memorial Day Write the Room

Memorial Day Write the Room

Memorial Day Write the Room. Cards and Recording sheet. 8 words to write for Memorial Day: flag blue red white soldier freedom picnic parade Two recording sheets - one with pictures and one without for differentiation. Recording sheet has primary lined paper (with dashed middle lines). Includes color and black and white versions. - Greg Smith
End of the Year Awards

End of the Year Awards

nd of the Year Awards. Editable in PowerPoint for your needs. Includes a blank award so you can fill in what you wish, and ready made awards designed for middle school for the following subjects: Language Arts Math Social Studies Science Art Band Orchestra Preforming Arts Chorus Physical Education Technology Computer Science Keyboarding Health Family and Consumer Sciences Home Economics Career Exploration Spanish French German Latin STEM Academic Bowl Reading Bowl All slides and all sections of the slides are editable so you can customize however you want. I hope you enjoy these and that you had a great year! - Greg Smith